
Extend SAMMI's functionality with our community made extensions.

Q Light Controller+ websockets

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This QLC+.lbe is a SAMMI extension to control Q Light Controller Plus software using webSockets. Control your DMX lights by SAMMI

Additional Information
Version 2.0 Requires SAMMI 1.41^ Stream Platform Any Updated March 01, 2022

To setup the extension simply install it on SAMMI software.
To prepare QLC + you have to run the program with websocket flags. To do it simply run it with -w flag which means websockets have to be turned on.
Ref: https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN/commandlineparameters.html

Personally I prefer to create some .bat file with following command:
<br>cd "C:\QLC+" (Path to your QLC)<br>start qlcplus.exe -w -p -o "C:/Path/YourWorkspace.qxw"<br>

-w - websockets

-p - program starts in performance mode

-o - program loads up a workspace on startup

You can also create a shortcut with flags


Now you open SAMMI software and run transmiter.html file (normally you would put it in OBS as a source)
On the Bridge page you can check your connection to QLC +

Here you can load your defined QLC functions with corresponding IDs, which will be needed for using SAMMI commands.



Set Function - Sets a function to be turned on, turned off, toogled with forcing other scenes to be turned off or not

1. FunctionId - Id of the function (You can see a list of functions on Bridge.html page, QLC+ section).
2. Visible - Turn On, Turn Off or toogle.
3. ForceOthersToStop - Variable to decide if you want to turn off other functions off and leave only this one as active.


Get Function Status - Gets a status of the function as Running, Stopped or Undefined

1. FunctionId - Id of the function (You can see a list of functions on Bridge.html page, QLC+ section).
2. Variable - Variable to put function status.

Privacy Policy
This developer has disclosed that it will not collect or use your data.

This developer declares that your data is:

  • Not being sold to third parties.
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the extension's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes


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