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Allows you to talk to ChatGPT directly in SAMMI, including remembering multiple different conversations.


Ask ChatGPT once

Sends one single prompt to ChatGPT. You can specify completion choice amount and maximum tokens you wish to use for the response.

Chat with ChatGPT
Allows for a continuous conversation with ChatGPT. It remembers what’s been discussed in previous conversations. You can switch between multiple conversations at will.

Important information
  • ChatGPT is a paid service, it requires an OpenAI account and a credit card
  • You must monitor your own token usage and set token usage limits (described in the setup guide)

By installing this extension you’re agreeing to be monitoring your own token usage and cost, and NOT using the extension (i.e. uninstalling it from Bridge) if you notice a high token usage. In that case, please report it to Christina on Itch or Discord.

Icon generated by OpenAI

Special thanks goes to:
My amazing Patrons.
Thank you so much!

If you would like to support me developing SAMMI itself and my extensions, you can join my Patreon, which will give you access to all my upcoming creations for completely free and priority help on any of my extensions.

DISCLAIMER: The extension is provided as is. The developer has no obligation to provide maintenance and support services or handle any bug reports.
Feel free to edit the extension for your own use. You may not distribute, sell or publish it without the author’s permission.

Additional Information
Version 1.0 Requires SAMMI 2023.1.1^^ Stream Platform Any Updated March 10, 2023
  • ChatGPT is a paid service, it requires an OpenAI account and a credit card
  • Always monitor your token usage via the official OpenAI dashboard
  • Set token usage limits via the official OpenAI dashboard (more info in green comment)
  • You are responsible for tracking your own token usage
  • As this an early release of the extension, it could potentially lead to higher token usage due to user error or possible bugs. For that reason, please SET YOUR USAGE LIMITS!
  1. Install the extension. You can follow the Extension Install Guide.
  2. Setup your INIT button
    • API Key:
      1. Navigate to https://platform.openai.com/signup
      2. Login or create a new account
      3. Click on ‘Personal’ profile in the top right corner and select View API Keys
      4. Create a new secret key
      5. Copy paste the key in the API Key box in the INIT button
      6. Set up your payment method (else it won’t work - the service is not free)
      7. Set you token usage limits at https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/limits
    • Token Usage Session Limit:
      • SAMMI can limit how many tokens can be used per a session
      • one session lasts until Bridge is reloaded (closed and reopened)
      • once the limit is reached, no more messages can be sent to ChatGPT
      • you can reset the limit with ChatGPT Reset Token Usage command
      • this is purely informative, you still need to set your total limits via https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/limits
ChatGPT Ask

Sends one single question/prompt to ChatGPT without it remembering any previous conversations.
This is very cheap as it doesn’t need to remember any previous chats. If you want to have a continuous chat, however, use ‘ChatGPT Chat’ command instead.

Box Name Description
Prompt The prompt/question to send to ChatGPT
Maximum Tokens Maximum amount of tokens to be in the response. Defaults to 4096 if unset, where one token is around 4 characters in English. You might need to experiment a bit to avoid incomplete sentences.
Completion Amount The amount of completions (answers) ChatGPT provides. Defaults to 1. Be careful with setting it to high numbers as it can rack up your token cost.
Save Variable As Variable name to save the response to. If Completion Amount is 1, the variable will be the response ChatGPT returned. If Completion Amount is more than 1, the variable will be an array containing all responses
ChatGPT Chat

Use this command for a continuous conversation with ChatGPT. It should remember what’s been discussed in previous conversations (as long as you don’t change browsers or clear your local browser data).

This might get EXPENSIVE, as it has to send the chat history (or its summary) each time you use the command. This is all automatically handled, make sure you watch your token cost.

For simple one time queries you should use ‘ChatGPT Ask’ command instead which uses less tokens.

Box Name Description
Conversation Type Whether to continue your previous existing chat or create a new one
Conversation Name Select from the dropdown for existing chats or type in a new chat name
Maximum Tokens Maximum amount of tokens to be in the response. One token is around 4 characters in English. You might need to experiment a bit to avoid incomplete sentences.
Message The prompt to send to ChatGPT
Save Variable As Variable name to save the response as
ChatGPT Get Token Usage

Retrieves your current session token usage and approximate cost. One session lasts until Bridge is reloaded (closed and reopened).

Box Name Description
Save Variable As Variable name to save the token usage to
ChatGPT Reset Token Usage

You can manually reset your session token usage you set up in the INIT button with this command. One session lasts until Bridge is reloaded (closed and reopened).

Privacy Policy
This developer has disclosed that it will not collect or use your data.

This developer declares that your data is:

  • Not being sold to third parties.
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the extension's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes


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