

Set Clipboard #

Changes the contents of your clipboard to whatever is in the Text box.
You can then use Right Click-Paste or CTRL+V to paste it anywhere else.

Box Name Type Description
Text String The string you wish to save in your clipboard.


Load Clipboard #

Loads the contents of your clipboard (after using CTRL+C) into a variable.

Box Name Type Description
Variable Name String Variable name to save the clipboard contents into.


Open URL #

Opens any URL in your default browser. Must contain http or https to properly work.

Box Name Type Description
URL String URL to open


Execute Program #

Launches any program from your PC.
If SAMMI is running as admin, any program you launch through this command will also run as admin.

Box Name Type Description
File Path String Select or manually input a path to the .exe file you wish to run.


Command Line #

Allows you to execute a single line of command, similar to how you would in a Command Prompt. The command will run with the same level of permissions as SAMMI, which means if SAMMI has administrative privileges, so will your command.

If you need to execute more than one line of command or if your command does not execute properly, it is recommended to convert it into a batch file and use the Execute program command instead. If you wish to run multiple commands within a single line, you can do so by using the ‘&&’ symbol between each command.

The command also provides an option to capture the output of the executed command. To do this, specify a variable name in the ‘Save Variable As’ field.

Box Name Type Description
Command String The command you wish to execute. Multiple commands can be executed in one line by using ‘&&’ between each command.
Save Variable As String Enter a variable name to save the output of the executed command.


Comment #

Allows you to insert a comment and mark it as warning, information or instruction to follow. Supports custom color aswell.
Great for keeping your commands organized as you can nest them inside your comments.

2023.2.2 and up supports Comment Templates, which allow you to save a preset with a custom comment name and color. Even more organization!

Box Name Type Description
Comment String Whatever comment you want to leave for yourself or other users.


Alert Message #

Shows a small yellow alert message at the bottom of SAMMI Core.

Box Name Type Description
Message String The message you want to display


Popup Message #

Shows a window popup message.
Useful for extension creators to be able to easily notify the user of important events.\

Box Name Type Description
Message String The message you want to display. Can be multiline.
Pause Button Execution Checkbox Choose whether you want to temporarily freeze SAMMI (i.e. pause all commands and SAMMI itself) while showing the popup.


Notification Message #

Shows a tray notification message in a bubble.

Box Name Type Description
Title String Title of your message
Message String The message you want to display


HTTP Request #

This command lets you send a web request, i.e. call an API and receive its response.

Box Name Type Description
URL String The web request URL, must start with http or https
Method Dropdown Method to use. Select from dropdown menu or manually input
Header Object Name (optional) Object Name of the object containing any required headers
Body Object JSON (optional) JSON Body JSON string to send
Save Variable As (optional) String Variable name to save the result into


HTTP Download File #

Allows you to download a remote file from a URL.

Box Name Type Description
URL String The web request URL, must start with http or https
File Path String Path for the file to save into
Save Variable As (optional) String Variable name to save the result into when the file finishes downloading, success or fail.


HTTP Upload File #

Allows you to transfer a file to a server by utilizing FormData.

Box Name Type Description
URL String The web request URL, must start with http or https
Name String Name of the form field containing the file
Form Fields Object (optional) Object Name of the object containing any additional form fields in a key:value format.
Header Object Name (optional) Object Name of the object containing any required headers
File Path String Path to the file to upload
Save Variable As (optional) String Variable name to save the result into


Send UDP Packet #

This command allows a one-way unencrypted “push” of buffer data to a specified IPv4 address and port number as a UDP/IP encapsulated packet.
Useful for communicating information or sending commands to server endpoints or hardware devices that accept UDP connections.

Box Name Type Description
IP String Destination IPv4 address.
Port String Destination port number.
Buffer Name Binary The name of the buffer containing the binary payload information for the UDP packet.


Extension Commands #

Sends data to an extension in your Bridge.
Select your Bridge where the extension is installed and the extension command name.

Box Name Type Description
Various values Any These change depending on the specific extension.


Send JSON to Extension #

Allows you to send payload to Bridge without needing to use an Extension Command.

You can listen to these with event listeners in extensions, such as this:

sammiclient.on('My Event Name', (payload) => {
  // FromButton - button ID the extension command was triggered in 
  // instanceId - instance ID of a button the extension command was triggered in
  const { FromButton, instanceId }  = payload.Data 
Box Name Type Description
Event Name String The name of the event, or the ‘hook’ name to use in sammiclient.on
JSON Payload String JSON string containing object data to be sent to the extension in bridge. Can be accessed with payload.Data.json


Deck: Change Status #

Set a specific deck’s status to enabled, disabled, or allow it to toggle between statuses.

Box Name Type Description
Deck Name String Name of the deck.
Status Dropdown Enable, disables or toggles the the deck status.


Deck: Get Status #

Retrieve a specified deck’s status

Box Name Type Description
Deck Name String Name of the deck.
Save Variable As String Variable to save the status to. SAMMI will return 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled.


Overtime #

This command lets you add a cooldown to a button, artificially increasing the duration of the button and preventing it from triggering again.
This is a useful command if you want to make sure your notification alerts do not overlap or if you want to prevent viewers from triggering your buttons over and over again without any cooldown in between.

Box Name Type Description
Duration Int The amount of milliseconds the overtime (cooldown) should last. <br> The countdown starts as soon as the button is triggered.