Channel Point Rewards


Create Reward #

Creates a Channel Point Reward on Twitch that will be owned by SAMMI. Only rewards owned by SAMMI can be further modified from within SAMMI.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Title String What you want to name your new reward.
Cost Number How much you want the reward to cost. You can use variables.
Color Color Picker Display colour of the reward on Twitch.
Input Checkbox If enabled, requires a viewer’s input.
Description String Description of the reward.
Save ID Variable As String Variable to save the reward ID as.
Enabled Checkbox Whether you want to enable the reward after creation.


Edit Reward #

Updates a Custom Channel Points Reward created on your channel.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward (ID required) Dropdown ID of the custom reward to update. You can select it from the dropdown menu or type manually.
Name String The title of the reward
Cost Number The cost of the reward
Enabled Checkbox If the reward is currently enabled or not. If not enabled, the reward won’t show up to viewers.
Pause Checkbox If the reward is currently paused. If paused, viewers cannot redeem it.


Extra Edit Reward #

Updates a Custom Channel Points Reward created on your channel, allowing you to change additional settings that are not accessible from the regular Edit Reward command (see above).

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters). Leave empty for your default streamer account.
Reward (ID required) Dropdown ID of the custom reward to update.
Description String Description of the reward.
Color Color Picker Display colour of the reward on Twitch.
User Input Checkbox If enabled, requires a viewer’s input.
Skip Queue Checkbox If enabled, allows the redemption to skip the queue.
Cooldown (s) Number Amount of seconds the reward will be on a cooldown.
Max/User Number Number of allowed redemptions per user.
Max/Stream Number Number of allowed redemptions per stream.


Edit All Rewards #

Updates all custom channel point rewards on your channel.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Enabled Dropdown If the rewards are currently enabled or not. If not enabled, the rewards won’t show up to viewers.
Pause Dropdown If the rewards are currently paused. If paused, viewers cannot redeem them.


Delete Reward #

Deletes your previously created reward.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward (ID required) Dropdown ID of the custom reward to delete.


Update Redemption Status #

Updates the status of custom reward redemption that has UNFULFILLED status.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward (ID required) Dropdown ID of the custom reward to change the status. You can select it from the dropdown menu or type manually.
Redeem ID String ID of the Custom Reward Redemption to update
Status Dropdown The new status to set redemptions to. Can be either FULFILLED or CANCELED. Updating to CANCELED will refund the user their channel points.