

Get Connection Info #

Get connection information for the selected Twitch account, such as your User ID or OAuth Token.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Type Dropdown Value to get. User ID, OAuth token, Login Name or Display Name


Get User Info #

Retrieves information about a Twitch user. Provide either their username or user ID (leave the other one empty).

If your SAMMI crashes with an error log relating to this command, make sure you have enabled the View email address scope in your Twitch connection settings. The command will not work without this scope enabled.

Box Name Type Description
User Name String Username to get the information for
User ID number User ID to get the information for
Save Variable String Variable to save the whole object

You can access the response object’s data by using Get Object Variable command.

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
broadcaster_type string User’s broadcaster type: “partner”, “affiliate”, or “”.
description string User’s channel description.
display_name string User’s display name.
id string User’s ID.
login string User’s login name.
offline_image_url string URL of the user’s offline image.
profile_image_url string URL of the user’s profile image.
type string User’s type: “staff”, “admin”, “global_mod”, or “”.
view_count number Total number of views of the user’s channel.
email string User’s verified email address. Returned if the request includes the user:read:email scope.
created_at string Date when the user was created.


Get Stream Info #

Gets information about an active stream.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Name String Channel name for the stream
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the whole response object

You can access the response object’s data by using Get Object Variable command.

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
id string Stream ID.
user_id string ID of the user who is streaming.
user_login string Login of the user who is streaming.
user_name string Display name corresponding to user_id.
game_id string ID of the game being played on the stream.
game_name string Name of the game being played.
type string Stream type: “live” or “” (in case of error).
title string Stream title.
viewer_count number Number of viewers watching the stream at the time of the query.
started_at string UTC timestamp.
language string Stream language. A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.
thumbnail_url string Thumbnail URL of the stream. All image URLs have variable width and height. You can replace {width} and {height} with any values to get that size image
tag_ids string Shows tag IDs that apply to the stream.
is_mature boolean Indicates if the broadcaster has specified their channel contains mature content that may be inappropriate for younger audiences.


Get Shared Chat Session #

Retrieves the active shared chat session for a channel.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get shared chat info from.
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result.

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
data Array Array of objects representing each shared chat session.
data[0-?] Object Contains info for the shared chat session.
data[0-?].session_id String The ID for the shared chat session.
data[0-?].host_broadcaster_id String The User ID of the host channel.
data[0-?].participants Array Array of objects for each participant of the shared chat session.
data[0-?].participants[0-?].broadcaster_id String The User ID of the participant.
data[0-?].updated_at String The time in twitch format, that the shared chat session was lasted updated.
data[0-?].created_at String The time in twitch format, that the shared chat session was created.


Get Channel Info #

Gets specified channel information.

Box Name Type Description
Channel string Name of the channel
Save Variable As String Variable to save the response

You can access the response object’s data by using Get Object Variable command.

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
broadcaster_id string Twitch User ID of this channel owner
broadcaster_name string Twitch user display name of this channel owner
game_name string Name of the game being played on the channel
game_id string Current game ID being played on the channel
broadcaster_language string Language of the channel. A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.
title string Title of the stream
delay number Stream delay in seconds


Get Channel Teams #

Gets a user’s list of Twitch teams.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get teams of
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the result

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
default Array Array of objects representing each team.
default[0-?] Object contains info about the team.
default[0-?].background_image_url String The background image the team page uses.
default[0-?].banner String The banner image the team page uses.
default[0-?].thumbnail_url String The thumbnail image the team page uses.
default[0-?].broadcaster_login String The Login of the requested user.
default[0-?].broadcaster_name String The Display Name of the requested user.
default[0-?].broadcaster_id String The User ID of the requested user.
default[0-?].id String The ID of the team.
default[0-?].name String The internal name of the team.
default[0-?].team_display_name String The Display Name of the team.
default[0-?].info String The Description on the team.
default[0-?].updated_at String The time in twitch format that the team was last updated.
default[0-?].created_at String The time in twitch format that the team was created.


Get Team Information #

Gets information about a requested team.

Box Name Type Description
Team Name String The internal name of a Team to get info of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
team_display_name String The Display Name of the team.
name String The internal name of the team.
id String The ID of the team.
info String The Description on the team.
users Array Array of objects for each user in the team.
users[0-?].user_id String User ID of that team member.
users[0-?].user_login String User Login of that team member.
users[0-?].user_name String User Display Name of that team member.
background_image_url String The background image the team page uses.
banner String The banner image the team page uses.
thumbnail_url String The thumbnail image the team page uses.
updated_at String The time in twitch format that the team was last updated.
created_at String The time in twitch format that the team was created.


Get Game Info #

Gets game information by game name.

Box Name Type Description
Game Name String Game name. The name must be an exact match. For example, “Pokemon” will not return a list of Pokemon games; instead, query any specific Pokemon games in which you are interested. At most 100 name values can be specified.
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the response

You can access the response object’s data by using Get Object Variable command.

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
box_art_url Object Template URL for the game’s box art.
id string Game ID.
name string Game name.


Get Moderators #

Gets a list of users that are moderators for the specified broadcaster.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get chatters of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Variable Name Type Description
total number The total number of moderators
data Array Array of objects representing each moderator
data[0-?] Object contains info for a moderator
data[0-?].user_id String The user’s ID
data[0-?].user_login String The user’s login name
data[0-?].user_name String The user’s display name


Get VIPs #

Gets a list of users that are VIPs in the specified broadcaster’s chat room.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get chatters of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Variable Name Type Description
total number The total number of VIPs
data Array Array of objects representing each VIP
data[0-?] Object contains info for a VIP
data[0-?].user_id String The user’s ID
data[0-?].user_login String The user’s login name
data[0-?].user_name String The user’s display name


Get Chatters #

Gets a list of users that are connected to the broadcaster’s chat session.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get chatters of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Variable Name Type Description
total number The total number of users
data Array Array of objects representing each chatter
data[0-?] Object contains info for a chatter
data[0-?].user_id String The user’s ID
data[0-?].user_login String The user’s login name
data[0-?].user_name String The user’s display name


Get Banned Users #

Gets a list of all users that are banned/timed out in the specified channel.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get chatters of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Variable Name Type Description
data Array Array of objects representing each banned/timed out user
data[0-?] Object contains info for a banned/timed out user
data[0-?].user_id String The user’s ID
data[0-?].user_login String The user’s login name
data[0-?].user_name String The user’s display name
data[0-?].expires_at String The UTC date and time, in RFC3339 format, of when the timeout expires. Will be an empty string if the user is banned.
data[0-?].created_at String Date and time the ban/timeout happened
data[0-?].reason String The specified reason. Will be blank if no reason given.
data[0-?].moderator_id String The ID of the moderator who banned/timed out the user
data[0-?].moderator_login String The moderator’s login name
data[0-?].moderator_name String The moderator’s display name
pagination Object Contains the information used to page through the list of results. The object is empty if there are no more pages left to page through.
pagination.cursor String The cursor used to get the next page of results. Use the cursor to set the request’s after query parameter using Twitch API Call.


Get Blocked Terms #

Gets an array of blocked terms from a Twitch channel.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get blocked terms of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Variable Name Type Description
default Array Array of objects representing each blocked term
default[0-?] Object contains info for a blocked term
default[0-?].broadcaster_id String The broadcaster’s ID
default[0-?].created_at String The UTC date and time, in RFC3339 format, of when the blocked term was created. Will be an empty string if the user is banned.
default[0-?].expires_at String The UTC date and time, in RFC3339 format, of when the blocked term expires. Will be null if there is no set expiration.
default[0-?].id String The blocked term’s unique identifier
default[0-?].moderator_id String The ID of the moderator who added the blocked term
default[0-?].text String The blocked term itself!
default[0-?].updated_at String The UTC date and time, in RFC3339 format, of when the blocked term was updated.


Get Subscription Status #

Returns an object containing context behind a specified user’s subscription.
Returns an empty object if the user is not subscribed.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch channel login name (all lowercase characters)
User ID number User ID to check for active subscription
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the response

You can access the response object’s data by using Get Object Variable command.

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
broadcaster_id string User ID of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_login string Login of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_name string Display name of the broadcaster.
is_gift boolean Indicates if the subscription is a gift.
gifter_login string Login of the gifter (if is_gift is true).
gifter_name string Display name of the gifter (if is_gift is true).
tier string Subscription tier. 1000 is tier 1, 2000 is tier 2, and 3000 is tier 3.


Get Subscriber Count #

Returns the amount of subscribers your channel currently has.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the subscriber count


Get Latest Followers #

Gets a list of the 100 most recent users that have followed the specified broadcaster.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get chatters of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result

Response Data:

Variable Name Type Description
total number The total number of users
data Object Array of objects for each recent follower, with the most recent follower first
data[0-?] Object Object containing specific user’s info
data[0-?].user_id String The user’s ID
data[0-?].user_login String The user’s login name
data[0-?].user_name String The user’s display name
data[0-?].followed_at String The UTC date and time, in RFC3339 format, of when the user followed


Get Follower Count #

Returns the amount of followers your channel currently has.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the follower count


Get Channel Point Rewards #

Gets a list of the custom Channel Point Rewards for the specified channel. Will not return info on standard Rewards, like “Highlight This Message”. For more information on what the response contains, check out the Response Body table in the Twitch API Reference Guide for Get Custom Reward

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get chatters of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Chat Message Example Description  
data Object array Array of objects containing A LOT of info


Get Chat Settings #

Gets the chat settings for the specified channel. For more information on what the response contains, check out the Response Body table in the Twitch API Reference Guide for Get Chat Settings

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get the chat settings for
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Chat Message Example Description  
data Object array Array of objects containing A LOT of info


Get Emotes #

Gets a list of the custom emotes for the specified channel. For more information on what the response contains, check out the Response Body table in the Twitch API Reference Guide for Get Channel Emotes

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get emotes of
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Chat Message Example Description  
data Object array Array of objects containing A LOT of info


Get User Color #

Gets the colour of the specified user’s name in chat rooms.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown The name of the channel to use for authentication in the API Header
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result
Chat Message Example Description  
color string Hex code for the colour of the specified user’s name
user_id String The user’s ID
user_login String The user’s login name
user_name String The user’s display name