

Add Moderator #

Promotes a user to a moderator. To demote a moderator, use the Remove Moderator command.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to promote the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to be promoted


Remove Moderator #

Demotes a user from being a moderator.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to demote the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to be demoted


Add VIP #

Promotes a user to VIP. To demote a VIP, use the Remove VIP command.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to promote the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to be promoted


Remove VIP #

Demotes a user from being a VIP.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to demote the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to be demoted


Start Raid #

Starts a raid, which sends the current viewers to the specified channel after a 90 second countdown

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel to start the raid in
Raid Target String Channel to raid


Cancel Raid #

Cancels a ongoing Raid, as long as it is before the countdown timer has expired, or the broadcaster has clicked the Raid Now button.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to cancel the ongoing raid in


Ban User #

Bans a user from participating in the specified broadcaster’s chat room. To remove the ban, use the Unban User command.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to ban the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to be banned
Reason String (optional) The reason why you are banning them


Unban User #

Removes the ban or timeout for the specified user

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to unban/untimeout the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to unban/untimeout


Timeout User #

Times out a user from participating in the specified broadcaster’s chat room for the specified amount of time. To remove the timeout, use the Unban User command.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String The channel to timeout the specified user in
User Name String The username of the person to be timed out
Duration Number How long to timeout the user, in seconds. If left blank, defaults to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
Reason String (optional) The reason why you are timing them out


Set User Color #

Sets the colour of your username in all chat rooms to one of the 15 default colours. For Turbo/Prime members who can set any colour, use the button at the bottom of the section.
To get a user’s current color, use Get User Color

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown The name of the channel to use for authentication in the API Header
Color Dropdown List of the standard colours that Twitch offers for all users.


Set Slow Mode #

Enables or disables Slow Mode in the specified channel. Slow Mode restricts how often users can talk in a channel to once per specified amount of time. VIPs and Moderators are not restricted.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to set Slow Mode for
Enabled Dropdown Enable/Disable
Time Number Amount of time, in seconds, that users must wait before they can chat again


Set Follower Mode #

Enables or disables Follower-Only Mode in the specified channel. Follower-Only Mode restricts who can talk in a channel to only followers who have been following for the specified amount of time. VIPs and Moderators are not restricted.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to set Follower-Only Mode for
Enabled Dropdown Enable/Disable
Time Dropdown Specific amounts of time that users need to have followed for


Set Subscriber Mode #

Enables or disables Subscriber-Only Mode in the specified channel. Subscriber-Only Mode restricts who can talk in a channel to only subscribers. VIPs and Moderators are not restricted.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to set Subscriber-Only Mode for
Enabled Dropdown Enable/Disable


Set Emote Mode #

Enables or disables Emote-Only Mode in the specified channel. Emote-Only Mode restricts what can be said in chat to only emotes. VIPs and Moderators are not restricted.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to set Emote-Only Mode for
Enabled Dropdown Enable/Disable


Set Shield Mode #

Toggles Shield Mode on/off for the specified channel. Click here for more information on Shield Mode.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel to toggle Shield Mode for
Enabled Dropdown Enable/Disable


Run Ad (Commercial) #

Starts a commercial on the specified channel.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Name String Channel to play the ad on. Leave blank to use default account
Duration number Requested length of commercial, in seconds. May result in a different duration to request. Should not be more than 180 seconds.
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result

Returns an object with the following variables: | Variable name | Type | Description |——-|——–|——– length|number|Duration of the commercial, in seconds message|string|A message that indicates whether Twitch was able to serve an ad retry_after|number|The number of seconds you must wait before running another ad.


Modify Channel Information #

Updates a channel’s information, such as title, language, tags. Leave a box blank to not update that information. Requires at least 1 field to update.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to change the information for
Category String Category of the stream (game name, “Just Chatting”, etc.)
Language Dropdown The ISO 639-1 2 letter language code. Select from dropdown menu or manually input
Title String Title of the stream
Tags Stringified array Tags to apply to the channel, as a stringified array (["Tag1", "Tag2"])


Set Unique Chat #

Enabling this setting prevents users from posting non-unique messages to the channel.
It can be used to combat spam so that users cannot send the same things in chat multiple times.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown The Twitch channel the command will be used for.
Enabled Choice Enabled: Turns the setting on. Disabled: Turns the setting off.


Get Automod Settings #

Gets AutoMod settings for a Twitch channel. This only works for channels linked and authorised to be used with SAMMI.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get AutoMod settings for. This can be left empty.
Save Variable As String Name of the variable to save the response as. If the response is 0, AutoMod settings for that function has not been turned on. If it is 1, it has been turned on.


Set Automod Settings #

Sets AutoMod settings for a Twitch channel. This only works for channels linked and authorised to be used with SAMMI.
Moderation levels available: as provided by Twitch:

  • AutoMod Off
  • A Little Moderation
  • Some Moderation
  • More Moderation
  • A Lot of Moderation
Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to get AutoMod settings for. This can be left empty.
Level Dropdown Dropdown selection of AutoMod levels available.


Set Blocked Term #

Sets a new term to be blocked.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to add new blocked term
Term String New term to be blocked


Remove Blocked Term #

Removes a blocked term.

Box Name Type Description
Channel String Channel name to add new blocked term
Term ID String ID of term to be removed. Can be retrieved from Twitch: Get Blocked Terms.