On this page
Where to Get Support #
If you need support for SAMMI, you have several options available:
- Read this documentation. Use the search bar to find topics relevant to your question.
- Join the official SAMMI Discord server. Our knowledgeable members are ready to assist you!
- Become a member of our subreddit. It’s a new community, and we’d appreciate your help in growing it!
Ways to Contribute #
Interested in contributing to SAMMI documentation or building an extension? We’d love your help!
Edit a page #
- Browse the documentation and click the Edit button if you find anything unclear or have suggestions for improvement.
- If this is your first time editing the website, click “Fork the repository.”
- Make your changes!
- Scroll down, provide a meaningful title (and optional description), and click “Propose changes.”
- After the page reloads, click “Create pull request.”
- Wait for approval for your changes to appear live on the website.
Add your own button example #
To add your own button example to a command in the Commands section (each command should have up to 3 examples):
- Upload a screenshot of the button to Imgur (while logged in) and the button’s imported JSON to pastebin.
- Click the Edit for the command you want to add an example to (e.g., Variable Transition command).
- If this is your first time editing the website, click “Fork the repository.”
- Use the provided simple template which will produce this particular button:
- (optionally) Explore the advanced template which will produce this button:
- Add the code snippet from the template to the end of the command you’re editing on Github.
- Scroll down, provide a meaningful title (and optional description), and click “Propose changes.”
- After the page reloads, click “Create pull request.”
- Wait for approval for your example to appear live on the website.
Submit Your Own Extension #
If you’ve created your own extension and want to share it with the community, you can submit it directly from this website.
Report a Bug #
To report a bug, the quickest way is to contact us via Discord. If a bug causes SAMMI Core to crash, you can also send us a crash log by clicking “Yes” and providing a comment in the crash log pop-up that appears after the crash.