

API Call #

Makes a Twitch API Call to the specified Twitch API URL.
Works like the HTTP Request command, but automatically creates a header for Twitch API Calls. Convenient!

Box Name Type Description
URL String The URL to make the API Call to
Method Dropdown The Method used for the API Call
Login Name Dropdown The name of the channel to use for authentication for the API Call
Save Variable As (optional) String Variable to save the result


Create API Header #

Creates a header object used for manual Twitch API Calls. Can be used in conjunction with the HTTP Request command.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown The name of the channel to use for authentication in the API Header
Save Variable As String Variable to save the result

Returned object contains the following variables:

Variable Type Contents
Authorization String “Bearer (your OAuth token)”
client-id String SAMMI’s unique identifier
Content-Type String “application/json”


Create Clip #

Creates a new clip.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters) to change the stream status of
Save Variable As (optional) String Variable to save your newly created clip ID


Create Marker #

Creates a marker in your stream. Your stream must be live.
A marker is an arbitrary point in a stream that the broadcaster wants to mark; e.g., to easily return to later.
The marker is created at the current timestamp in the live broadcast when the request is processed.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name Dropdown Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Description String Description of or comments on the marker. Max length is 140 characters.


Get Videos #

Gets videos from a Twitch channel.
Available types of videos:

  • All Videos
  • Archives
  • Highlights
  • Uploads
  • Clips

If ‘All Videos’ is selected, the response will not contain ‘Clips’. The response received, depending on the size of the request will require some time to load, so please ensure you use a ‘Wait until Variablle Exists’ command with this one.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Twitch channel to get videos from. This can be left empty.
Type Dropdown Dropdown of video types that can be received from Twitch.
Save Variable As String Name of the variable to save the response as.


Get User Status #

Returns the status of a user for one of your linked channels. The response will return either true or false.
Available status types:

  • Check Subscriber
  • Check Mod
  • Check VIP
  • Check Follower
Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Twitch channel to get a user’s status for. This can be left empty.
User Name String User Name of the user to get the status for.
Type Dropdown Use the dropdown menu to choose the status type.
Save Variable As String Name of the variable to save the response as.