Sound Effects


Play Sound Effect #

Plays a selected sound file. Files must be in Vorbis codec in an .ogg container.

Box Name Type Description
Sound File Path String Select the file to play.
Volume Level number Set the volume level in %
Save Sound ID String Sound Effect ID (you can select any name, it’s used for other sound effect commands)


Stop Sound Effect #

Stops currently playing sound effect. Provide its ID that you set up in Play Sound Effect command.

Box Name Type Description
Sound ID String Sound Effect ID. Use all to stop all sound effects.


Sound Effect Change Volume #

Temporarily changes volume of your currently playing sound effect. Provide its ID that you set up in Play Sound Effect command.

Box Name Type Description
Sound ID String Sound Effect ID
Volume Number Volume % to change to
Duration (ms) Number How long the command will take to change the volume (0 is instant)


Sound Effect Change Speed #

Changes speed of your currently playing sound effect. Provide its ID that you set up in Play Sound Effect command.

Box Name Type Description
Sound ID String Sound Effect ID
Speed Number Speed % to change to